5 Signs Your Hair is Thinning & What You Can Do About It

Posted on by Pablo Apartin

5 Signs Your Hair is Thinning & What You Can Do About It

Our hair is one of our signature features and many people like to experiment with hairstyles and colours in order to stand out or be recognizable. This is why any change that occurs to our hair can alarm us, especially if we notice that our hair is getting thinner than it used to be. Hair thinning is quite a common problem among men and women and both parties alike can be affected at some point in their life regardless of age and reason.

What Amount of Hair Loss is Normal?

Hair naturally comes and goes in cycles; old hairs fall out and new ones grow and it is a normal process. Losing up to 100 strands of hair per day is quite normal and usual, however anything that is above that number can raise some red flags and with good reason. If you notice larger clumps of hair falling out in the shower, or more hair than usual on your pillow or clothes, then you definitely need to check whether you are experiencing some problems that cause hair thinning. Please bear in mind that sometimes if you are not washing your hair in a few days you may experience more hair loss which is normal since old hairs cling to the others until the next wash so it’s natural that more hair falls out. In this case you should not be alarmed. However, if you still feel like your hair is falling out in abnormal amounts, then you should consider certain factors that cause hair loss such as:

  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Bad diet
  • Bad hair routine
  • Medicines
  • Surgery
  • Illness

If you believe that some of these factors contribute to your hair becoming thinner, then these are the signs you should pay attention to.

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Signs That Show Your Hair is Thinning

  1. Clumps of hair falling out instead of a few hairs

One way to determine that your hair is thinning is to run your fingers through your hair. Normally, a few unconnected strands of hair should fall out. In the case that you pull out full clumps of hair together, then your hair is definitely thinning out.

  1. Appearance of bald patches

When hair is thinning, as previously mentioned, it usually falls out in larger clumps. This means that it will leave bald patches on the scalp that are clearly visible.

  1. Your scalp becomes visible

If your scalp becomes visible through your hair, then you are definitely experiencing hair thinning. This goes particularly for the top of the hair with women as this part is more susceptible to hair loss in women.

  1. Your ponytail becomes thinner

Another test to determine whether you are dealing with hair thinning is to pay attention to your ponytail. If you are experiencing hair thinning your ponytail will feel thinner and it would take more twists of the hair tie to get it secured, provided that the hair tie isn’t loosened or stretched out.

  1. Your hair becomes lighter

Sometimes we may miss out the visible signs that our hair is thinning out and maybe don’t pay a lot of attention, however, sometimes we can actually feel the hair thinning from its weight. You may notice this while combing the hair and if it feels lighter, then there must be something to it.

    How To Treat and Prevent Hair Thinning

  1. Handle your hair with care

Hair is very delicate and should be handled with proper care. Avoid using strong hair products such as hair sprays and gels on a regular basis. Also, especially avoid styling your hair with heat. Hair curlers and straighteners use a lot of heat that dry out the hair and cause breaking as well. Tight hairdos are also something to avoid on a regular basis. Keeping your hair constantly in a bun or a ponytail can cause hair thinning due to the constant pulling of the hair.

  1. Balanced diet is the key

Having a healthy and balanced diet is really important for having a good head of hair. Make sure you eat a lot of proteins from both plants and animals as well as foods rich in vitamins and minerals. If you feel like you aren’t getting enough nutrients from food alone, make sure you take supplements. Note that zinc deficiency is directly linked to hair loss. And last but not least- always stay hydrated!

  1. Keep a shorter hairstyle

Keeping your hair long not only makes it more susceptible to pulling, tangling and breaking, it also gives away any signs of thinning and damage. What you can do for your hairstyle if you are experiencing hair thinning is to do a trendy shorter cut that will provide relief for the scalp and aso give out the illusion of fuller hair.

  1. Use topical agents to address the scalp issues

Topicals are important in order to fight hair thinning, such as the topicals from DS Laboratories. Spectral. DNC-N not only provides deep follicle treatment that rejuvenates the follicles and boosts hair growth, it also fights perifollicular fibrosis as part of androgenetic alopecia. Spectral. CSF is a product specialized for women and is specially developed according to unique female hair thinning factors such as follicular bulb size, hormonal fluctuations, skin sensitivity and styling practices.

  1. Use scalp stimulating shampoo and conditioner

One of the best stimulating hair products that are used to fight and prevent hair loss are the Revita shampoo and conditioner. They contain no phthalates, no Sodium Laureth Sulfate, no harsh chemicals and they are paraben free. The Revita shampoo is at the same time a cleansing agent and strengthening the hair, and helps both men and women say goodbye to weak, thinning hair and bald spots.

For any problems that are more serious and pertain to illnesses or other skin conditions, always make sure to visit a dermatologist or a trichologist to get the proper diagnosis and treatment along with the above-mentioned tips.

All this said, we hope that you take our advice and enjoy a full and shiny hair!

'All DS Laboratories products go through clinical trials and studies. Please see our citations page here.'


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