What Causes Large Dandruff Flakes?

Posted on by Leo Smirnov


When it comes to the hair, we can say that people nowadays are quite obsessed with their hair and pay a lot of attention to how their hair looks. It is like the crown on our head and we all want to have a signature hair look that sets us aside from the rest of the lot. The hair industry is booming with all sorts of hair care and hair shaping products. So, in all of that hair commotion it is no wonder that people want to look their best. However, there are also many people that have not been lucky enough to have a care free hair and scalp and do suffer from scalp and hair conditions which can cause quite the discomfort and embarrassment.

One of the most common conditions which affects up to half of the population is dandruff. Dandruff is a common, harmless, but chronic condition that has affected people at any stage of their life. It usually appears with people between the age of 10 and 20, and with people over 30 it has the likelihood of affecting up to 40% of the population. It is also known as seborrhea dermatitis, and is a type of skin eczema. The symptoms of dandruff are redness, itchiness and white dead skin flakes that appear on the head or fall on the shoulders.

Naturally, new skin cells form all the time and the skin renews itself constantly. This causes the dead skin cells to detach and fall off naturally, or in the case of our scalp, we wash them off when bathing. Dandruff occurs when a person’s scalp becomes increasingly dry or increasingly oily. This causes the scalp to produce excessive amounts of dead skins cells. They cause the scalp to become very itchy and irritated and the dead skin cells then fall out in the form of larger or smaller flakes. Dandruff in itself is not contagious, so in this sense a person cannot contract dandruff from someone else. It simply occurs when, for whatever reason, some people’s scalps become too oily or too dry. Both of these extremes play a role in causing an itchy scalp, scaly skin and it producing both white but also yellowish dead skin flakes that are very visible and can be frustrating for someone that wants to have a healthy-looking head of hair. On top of that, these symptoms may also be accompanied by an irritated and red scalp.


Dandruff can be caused by a lot of factors mentioned before such as dry skin, and oily skin and eczema, but also a larger sensitivity to hair products. Irritant or allergic contact dermatitis can appear if you are allergic to some of the ingredients in your hair styling products such as hair gel for example. This issue can sometimes be resolved by simply stopping the use of such products. So, if you have some firm hair styling routine, we suggest you go a little easy on your hair and let it breathe for a while.

Another cause can be an increased population of yeast-like fungus which is caused by hormonal imbalance, stress, immunes system issues etc. Moreover, if someone has a rather oily scalp, the oil also sticks them together and thus forms larger clumps. And as they dry out, they turn into yellowish looking scales. This is mostly the case with seborrheic dermatitis. It happens gradually, but causes red irritated scalp and yellowish or reddish scaling to appear and thus have larger dandruff flakes falling off. Scalp psoriasis is also a skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin and creates thick scales on the scalp and causes large white flakes to fall off.

Dandruff is not always considered to be a serious condition but if left untreated, it can cause more severe issues. As it is oftentimes a chronic issue, it can cause a lot of discomfort but it can be controlled and subdued with proper routine. In the case of more serious skin conditions, consulting with a dermatologist is definitely a must. They can prescribe a medical treatment and a proper hair care routine. Proper hair and scalp care are essential when it comes to treating dandruff.

Aside from medical treatments there are also over the counter hair care products that are suitable for combating dandruff, if the condition is not too serious. For a mild dandruff, there are a lot of affordable but medicated antidandruff shampoos which can be easily found and purchased. When trying to find a product to help you with dandruff, you should look for something that contains pyrithione zinc, salycilic acid, coal tar, selenium sulfide, or ketoconazole.

If you are suffering from this condition, we suggest trying out Dandrene Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner. The Dandrene Shampoo formula includes hydrolysed lupine protein and pomegranate peel extract with zinc pyrithione. It helps exfoliate and cleanse the skin, while at the same time providing shiny and easily manageable hair. The shampoo suits all hair types and is also safe to use for coloured hair. The Dandrene-Anti Dandruff Conditioner complements the shampoo and controls skin flaking, while at the same time helping reduce scaling and irritation caused by dandruff. It not only treats, but also prevents dandruff from occurring again.

The high performance dandruff formulas in the products have helped people get rid of the embarrassment that is dandruff on their hair and clothing, get rid of irritation and itchiness on the scalp, oiliness or fungal problems such as bad odor. The product works so well as it is a combination of the latest hair science discoveries together with proven natural ingredients, and this is why it beats common market products. It will help control and get rid of dandruff once and for all.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t feel free and confident again to wear your favorite black dress or black jacket. Don’t let the disappointment of the mass market shampoos deter you from achieving heathy and dandruff free scalp. For optimal results, these products should be used combined and at least 2 times a week. Always make sure that you allow your formula to work the scalp for at least 5 minutes.

Enjoy dandruff free hair!

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